
Posted by
Bryan Alexandros
Published on
October 1, 2023
360° Branding


Ace is a financial super app for enterprises, offering reliable services in complex areas like gold trading, enterprise-level crypto trading, EV charging station transaction tracking, and carbon credit monitoring.

Ace faced the challenge of creating a brand that clearly conveyed its competitive advantages amongst a crowded web3 space.

Some of these challenges included:

  • How can Ace communicate its unique competitive advantages to potential customers?
  • How can Ace design unique identity materials to differentiate itself from its competition?
  • How can Ace's branding effectively showcase its compatibility with evolving web3 technological demands and how it excels beyond comparable apps?


Zynolabs' 360° Branding methodology infused the web3 aesthetic into Ace's brand and vision through the physical and digital world. They smartly incorporated the spirit of decentralization into the written content, visual design, and UX/UI design. This resulted in Ace being seen as more than just another digital payment app; it is now seen as a versatile, innovative, and forward-thinking solution for B2B and enterprise web3. This makes Ace stand out from other digital payment apps and positions it as an enterprise leader in the web3 space.

Ace Logo Identity
Ace Website

Branding Evolution
Exhibition Booth Design 1
Exhibition Banner Design
ACEIS Pay Co., Ltd. (Parent Company)
ACEIS Pay Co., Ltd. Parent Company


  • Visual Identity
  • Logo
  • Website
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Pitch decks


Website: Ace: An Industry-Grade Payments for Next Gen Businesses
